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2024-02-15 20:43:16
美[trænspəsənəl]  英[trænspɜːsənl]
adj.  非个人的


  1. Additionally, there is a Transpersonal Chakra above the crown chakra. 另外在顶轮上有一超越个人的脉轮。
  2. Advanced meditation may promote the realization of transpersonal goals. 高级的静修还有助于超个人目标的实现。
  3. Abraham Maslows late thoughts established a theoretical foundation for transpersonal psychology. 马斯洛晚年的思想和工作为超个人心理学奠定了理论基础。
  4. The Transpersonal chakra is a chakra that many meditation practitioners say is located above the crown chakra. 超越个人的脉轮许多冥想者说位于顶轮之上的一个脉轮。
  5. Ken Wilber is well known as a transpersonal psychologist, yet he should be as well considered a philosopher. 肯恩.威尔伯不但是著名的超个人心理学家,也应该被视为一位哲学家。
  6. This continual confrontation with your limits stimulates intense internal and transpersonal knowledge and awareness. 这种与“个人局限性”的不断冲突促进了对内在世界和非个人的深刻认知和觉知。