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2024-02-15 20:48:16
美[ˌtrænspɪreɪʃn]  英[ˌtrænspɪreɪʃn]
n.  植物的蒸腾(作用);蒸发;〈医〉不自觉性出汗


  1. the passage of gases through fine tubes because of differences in pressure or temperature
  2. the process of giving off or exhaling water vapor through the skin or mucous membranes
  3. the emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants


  1. Transpiration is not to alcohol, is Chaxiang. 蒸腾出的不是酒味,是茶香。
  2. Montereys transpiration of pistils and stigmas are lowest. Monterey的柱头和雌蕊的失水速率均较低。
  3. Transpiration The loss of water vapor form the surface of a plant. 蒸腾作用:植物表面损失气态水分子的过程。
  4. Antitranspirant A chemical that reduces transpiration. 抗蒸腾剂:可以减少蒸腾作用的化学物质。
  5. Transpiration of Tea Plants on Red Soil Slopes and Its Influencing Factors. 红壤坡地茶园蒸腾及其影响因子研究。
  6. The public transpiration took a large proportion of service, including Metro. 公共交通包括地铁也有一定比率的服务。