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2024-02-15 20:51:17
美[trænsplænt]  英[trænsplɑːnt]
v.  移居;移栽(植物);移植(器官)
n.  移植;移植物
  形容词:transplantable  名词:transplantation  过去式:transplanted  过去分词:transplanted  现在分词:transplanting  第三人称单数:transplants


  1. (使)移居,移民
  2. 【医】移植(器官)
  3. 耐移植,经得起移植
  4. (使)迁移
  5. 移栽(植物), 移种(植物),移接
  6. 宜于移栽,适宜移种
  7. 推广
  8. 栽种,插秧
  1. 移植,移栽
  2. 被移植苗木,被移植物
  3. 【医】移植器官
  4. <美>移居者,迁移者
  5. 移植物,移植体,移植块
  6. 移植多次的苗木
  7. 移植的器官


  1. vt. & vi. 移植 move a plant from one place to another place; move an organ, piece of skin, hair, etc. from one part of the body to another


  1. (surgery) tissue or organ transplanted from a donor to a recipient; in some cases the patient can be both donor and recipient
  2. an operation moving an organ from one organism (the donor) to another (the recipient);

    "he had a kidney transplant" "the long-term results of cardiac transplantation are now excellent" "a child had a multiple organ transplant two months ago"

  3. the act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location;

    "the transplant did not flower until the second year" "too frequent transplanting is not good for families" "she returned to Alabama because she could not bear transplantation"

  1. lift and reset in another soil or situation;

    "Transplant the young rice plants"

  2. be transplantable;

    "These delicate plants do not transplant easily"

  3. place the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient
  4. transfer from one place or period to another;

    "The ancient Greek story was transplanted into Modern America"


  1. transplant a tree移植树
  1. transplant agriculturally农业移植
  2. transplant patiently耐心地移植
  3. transplant skillfully有技巧地移植
  4. transplant successfully成功地移植
  1. transplant into new soil移入新土壤
  2. transplant to China迁往中国
  3. transplant to garden移植到花园


  1. The villagers will transplant to another place.村民们将移居到另外一个地方。
  2. The peasants bent over to transplant rice seedlings in the fields.农民们在地里弯腰插秧。
  3. It is now possible to transplant organs from animals into people.现在将动物身上的器官移植入人体内已经成为了可能。
  4. The doctors will transplant a human heart into the patient.医生们将把一颗人的心脏移植到这个病人身上。
  1. I think the heart transplant is a wonderful thing.我认为心脏移植是件神奇的事。
  2. The transplant was rejected by the body.移植器官遭到了身体的排斥。


    transplant的基本意思是“移植”。引申可作“搬迁”解。 transplant可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 transplant用作不及物动词时其主动形式可表示被动意义。 transplant后接介词into表示“把…移入…”; 后接介词to表示“移植到…; 迁到…”。