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2024-02-15 20:58:17
美[trænspɔːrt]  英[trænspɔːt]
n.  运输;心醉
v.  运输;传播;流放;激动
  形容词:transportable  名词:transportability  过去式:transported  过去分词:transported  现在分词:transporting  第三人称单数:transports


  1. 运输
  2. 运输机
  3. 运输船
  4. 运送
  5. 交通运输系统
  6. 激情
  7. 流放犯
  8. 激动
  9. 运输工具
  10. 欣喜若狂
  11. 交通车辆
  12. 狂喜
  13. 旅行方式
  14. 转运
  15. 运输机关
  16. 心旷神怡
  17. 输送
  18. 遣送
  19. 转送
  20. 搬运
  1. 运输
  2. 输送
  3. 流放
  4. 运送
  5. 传播
  6. 搬运
  7. 放逐
  8. 使心醉
  9. 使忘我
  10. 使激动
  11. 【史】处流刑
  12. 杀死
  13. 使心情极度激动
  14. 使欣喜若狂
  15. 使心旷神怡
  16. 传递
  17. 使产生身临其境的感觉
  18. 使万分激动
  19. 传送
  20. 使狂喜


  1. vt. 运送; 流放 carry persons or goods from one place to another
  2. vt. 使万分激动 make excite extremely


  1. something that serves as a means of transportation
  2. an exchange of molecules (and their kinetic energy and momentum) across the boundary between adjacent layers of a fluid or across cell membranes
  3. the commercial enterprise of moving goods and materials
  4. a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion;

    "listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture"

  5. a mechanism that transports magnetic tape across the read/write heads of a tape playback/recorder
  6. the act of moving something from one location to another
  1. move something or somebody around; usually over long distances
  2. move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in ones hands or on ones body;

    "You must carry your camping gear" "carry the suitcases to the car" "This train is carrying nuclear waste" "These pipes carry waste water into the river"

  3. hold spellbound
  4. transport commercially
  5. send from one person or place to another;

    "transmit a message"


  1. transport the audience使听众万分激动
  2. transport the products运送产品
  3. transport the wheat运小麦
  1. transport bodily整体运送
  2. transport continuously不断地运输
  3. transport dramatically非常令人着迷
  4. transport laboriously费力地运送
  5. transport recklessly不顾危险地运输
  6. transport regularly定期运送
  7. transport swiftly运送快捷
  1. transport by air空运
  2. transport with grief悲痛欲绝


  1. The goods have been cased up for transport.货物已装箱待运。
  2. London Transport run extra trains during the rush-hour.伦敦运输公司在交通高峰时 间增开加班列车。
  3. Please find alternative means of transport.请另外找一个运输方法。
  4. The transport of goods by air is very expensive.空运货物费用十分昂贵。
  1. A helicopter was used to transport the wounded.一架直升飞机被用来运送伤员。
  2. Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills.把小麦从农场运到面粉厂。
  3. Flies transport different kinds of diseases.苍蝇传播各种不同的疾病。
  4. I was reluctant to let language transport me.我不情愿被语言弄得失魂落魄。


    transport的基本意思是指运送某人〔物〕或运送某人〔物〕到某处,也可指将某人流放到某地。用于比喻,可指超出一般限度的强烈情感(如高兴、狂喜、发怒、惊奇、恐惧、疑惑、悲痛、不安)而引起头脑失控。 transport是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。