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2024-02-15 21:23:17
美[ˌtrænsʊdeɪʃən]  英[ˌtrænsʊdeɪʃən]
n.  渗出物


  1. a substance that transudes
  2. the process of exuding; the slow escape of liquids from blood vessels through pores or breaks in the cell membranes


  1. Left: The “sweating” (transudation) of the vaginal walls. 左:阴道壁“发汗”(沁出渗透液);
  2. Methods The disinfecting mechanism to black hay bacillus variant spores was studied in transudation of protein, fragmentation of DNA and ultra-micro structure. 方法 从蛋白质漏出、DNA链的断裂和超微结构3个方面探讨二溴海因对枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢的杀灭机理。
  3. Ascites has been reported after kidney transplantation due to rejection, decapsulation of the graft, urinary or vascular leak, lymphocele, transudation, or infection. 肾移植后腹水的原因可能有排斥反应、移植肾包膜的剥脱、尿瘘或脉管瘘、淋巴囊肿、渗出物或感染。
  4. In addition, the expression pattern of these proteins is area-specific, and their roles vary among different areas in the neuronal signal transudation system. 这些蛋白质的表达模式是局部特异的,并且其在神经信息系统中的作用与表达部位相关。
  5. Signal Transudation Induced by Herbivores 虫害诱导植物体内信号
  6. Advancement in Mechanism of Insulin Signal Transudation 胰岛素信号传导研究进展