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2024-02-15 21:24:16
美[trænsjuːdəˌtɒrɪ]  英[trænsjuːdəˌtɒrɪ]
adj.  渗出的


  1. It could catch the dissociate formaldehyde in the air or eliminate the transudatory one on the face of the furniture. 功效: 此产品可高效去除家具表面及人造板材制作的其它装修物(木门、木墙围、暖气罩等)甲醛污染,同时对其表面进行清洁、上光、养护处理。
  2. According to our test results,the technology greatly improves the performance of IDS and reduces the misapprehensive and transudatory rates. 实际测试表明,该方法大大提高了入侵检测系统性能,降低了漏报率和误报率。
  3. A lot of foci in the lungs are the features of the sternum, including transudatory foci and proliferous foci, therefore, it should be considered probably for the secondary TB. 胸片特点病灶很多,有渗出性的,但增殖性病灶太多,所以多考虑为继发性结核。
  4. The Quantitative Analysis of Transformers Transudatory Inductance 变压器漏电感的定量分析
  5. transudatory dropsy 漏出性积液