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2024-02-15 21:27:17
美[ˌtrænsjʊreɪnɪəm]  英[trænsjʊreɪnjəm]
n.  铀后元素
adj.  铀后的


  1. Abstract Extraction of transuranium elements from HEDPA medium by TRPO is studied. 摘要 研究了在HEDPA介质中TRPO对超铀元素的萃取性能。
  2. Transuranium elementAny of the chemical elements after uranium in the periodic table (with atomic numbers greater than 92). 超铀元素:周期表中铀以后的任何化学元素(原子序数大于92)。
  3. Some problems are discussed in this paper which is“spale-restriction”,“time-restric- tion”and“cross-section-restriction on the transuranium s limit”. 本文讨论了超铀元素存在的“空间限制”、“时间限制”和“生成截面限制”。
  4. The naming of the transuranium elements has been fraught with controversy regarding which laboratory first made the discovery and should propose the name and whether elements should be named for living persons. 超铀元素的命名充满着争议,究竟是哪个实验室首先发现而应该命名,该不该以一个活着的人的名字为元素命名等。
  5. Some restrictive factors of the limit of transuranium are discussed in this paper on the basis of philoscophical laws of the unity of opposites and the quantitative qualitative change. 以哲学的对立统一和量变质变两大基本规律为由头;考虑了超铀元素存在的若干限制因素;结论认为:1.;元素周期系的界限极可能是118号元素;
  6. The Progess of Solubility Study of Transuranium Elements 超铀元素的溶解度研究进展