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2024-02-15 21:40:17
美[trænsvestɪzəm]  英[trænsvestɪzəm]
n.  异装癖


  1. 异装癖,异性装扮癖(通常为获得快感而穿着异性服装的行为)
  2. 【医】异装狂(喜欢穿异性服装)
  3. 性倒错


  1. the practice of adopting the clothes or the manner or the sexual role of the opposite sex


  1. However, transvestism is not just a sexual variation. 然而,变装不仅仅是变异的性活动。
  2. It is a psychiatric classification and describes the problems related to transgender identity, and transvestism. 这是一种精神病学的分类,它描述了与转换性别身份和易装癖有关的问题。
  3. Why do men cross-dress? One argument is that transvestism or cross- dressing is a way of offering a challenge to societys preconceptions about gender. 为什么男人要变装?有一个理由是:变装是向社会固有的性别观念提出挑战的一种方式。
  4. A lot of the confusion and myth that surrounds transvestism probably comes from the fact that in the West it has always had a bad press and attracted hostile public reaction. 有许多关于变装的混乱看法和神秘感,这些都可能源源于下面这个事实:在西方,新闻舆论对变装看法不好,变装总是招来公众的敌视。
  5. However, this theatrical cross dressing is not considered transvestism in the modern sense of the term, and it does not say anything about the sexual interests or behavior of the performers. 不过,以当代性学的概念,这种在戏剧中换穿异性服饰并不被当作易装癖,换穿异性服饰并未表明表演者的性兴趣或性行为如何。
  6. However, a minority partially assume a gender that contradicts their physical sex ( transvestism ), and for an even smaller minority such an inversion is complete ( transsexualism ). 但是,少数人部分地认定与自己身体性征相矛盾的性别( 易装癖 ),甚至有更少的人完全地认定与自己身体性征不一致的性别( 易性癖 )。