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2024-02-15 21:44:16
美[træntə]  英[træntə]
n.  <英方>(尤指用马车贩运货物的)流动商贩


  1. Its cream and butter had a local reputation; Aunt Tranter had spoken of it. 这里出产的乳酪和黄油在当地很有些名气。特兰特姨妈说过这件事。
  2. There was a rumble of wheels at the door, and the tranters cart came up. 门外响起了车轮的滚动声,搬运工的车子到了。
  3. Aunt Tranter backed him up, and he was accordingly granted an afternoon for his "wretched grubbing" among the stones. 特兰特姨妈这次帮了他的忙,于是他获准了一个下午,可以用来去翻弄那些倒霉的石头。
  4. Ziemer, Tranter, Principles of Communications, 4th Edition, John Wiley &Sons, 1995. 白中和,通信原理与应用,增订版,台北,建兴出版社,民国八十七年。
  5. Aunt Tranter backed him up, and he was accordingly granted an afternoon for his " wretched grubbing" among the stones. 特兰特姨妈这次帮了他的忙,于是他获准了一个下午,可以用来去翻弄那些倒霉的石头。
  6. No, say Tranter and Warn, but maybe a more visible safety PR campaign to the masses may help. “不”,泉特和王朔说,“但是一个对大众更加引人注目的公关活动可能会有用。”