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2024-02-15 21:46:16
美[træp]  英[træp]
n.  圈套;陷阱;困境;双轮轻便马车;U(或S)型管道;防臭瓣
v.  设圈套;陷入(困境)
  过去式:trapped  过去分词:trapped  现在分词:trapping  第三人称单数:traps


  1. 圈套,诡计,陷阱,困境,阴谋
  2. 防臭瓣
  3. U形弯管
  4. <俚>嘴
  5. 飞靶发射机
  6. 牢笼
  7. 起跑笼
  8. <口>打击乐器
  9. 二轮轻马车
  10. 车速检测设施
  11. 活板门
  12. 夹子
  13. 暗色岩,火山岩
  14. <旧><口>个人衣物
  15. 储油地质构造
  1. 设陷阱,设圈套(诱陷),使落入圈套,使落入险境(困境、绝境),使中计,使上当,诱骗,计捉
  2. 堵塞
  3. 诱捕(野兽),设陷阱捕捉(动物),用捕捉器捕捉(动物),装捕捉机,困住,抓住,捕兽
  4. 飞靶射击练习
  5. 收集
  6. 吸收
  7. 装饰,打扮
  8. 阻止,抑制,使受限制
  9. 在...串装上防臭瓣,装存水弯于,用防气阀堵住(臭气)
  10. 卡住,夹住,绊住,缠住
  11. 把…迫进(不能逃脱的地方),迫使…进入(不能逃脱的地方)


  1. vt. 诱骗; 诱捕; 设陷阱捕捉 catch in a trap or by a trick


  1. a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned
  2. drain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gas
  3. something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares;

    "the exam was full of trap questions" "it was all a snare and delusion"

  4. a device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshooters
  5. the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise
  6. informal terms for the mouth
  7. a light two-wheeled carriage
  8. a hazard on a golf course
  1. place in a confining or embarrassing position;

    "He was trapped in a difficult situation"

  2. catch in or as if in a trap;

    "The men trap foxes"

  3. hold or catch as if in a trap;

    "The gaps between the teeth trap food particles"

  4. to hold fast or prevent from moving;

    "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"


  1. trap animals捕猎动物
  2. trap the bear用陷阱捕捉那只熊
  3. trap the criminal诱捕罪犯
  4. trap oil and gas蕴藏着石油和天然气
  1. trap in陷入
  2. trap into诱骗…使之采取某种行动


  1. The police set a trap to catch the thief.警察设下了捉拿窃贼的圈套。
  2. The only thing the wolf could do was climbing up to the ground from the trap.那只狼惟一能做的就是从陷阱里爬到地面上来。
  3. To break out of the poverty trap they need help from the government.为了摆脱贫困的处境,他们需要政府的帮助。
  4. She didnt say anything about a trap.她根本没提马车的事。
  1. By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession.他们用巧妙的提问诱使他招认了。
  2. Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse.塌方后,有些矿工被困在地下。


    trap作“诱捕”解时,指用陷阱、罗网、圈套等捕捉动物或人。还可表示“使陷于困境中”“使陷入圈套”。 trap是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 trap的过去式和过去分词均为trapped。