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2024-02-15 23:12:16
美[trebl]  英[trebl]
adj.  三倍的;最高音部的;三重的
v.  (使)成三倍
n.  三倍;最高音部
  副词:trebly  名词:trebleness  过去式:trebled  过去分词:trebled  现在分词:trebling  第三人称单数:trebles


  1. the pitch range of the highest female voice
  1. having or denoting a high range;

    "soprano voice" "soprano sax" "the boy still had a fine treble voice" "the treble clef"

  2. three times as great or many;

    "a claim for treble (or triple) damages" "a threefold increase"

  3. having three units or components or elements;

    "a ternary operation" "a treble row of red beads" "overcrowding made triple sessions necessary" "triple time has three beats per measure" "triplex windows"

  4. having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities;

    "a double (or dual) role for an actor" "the office of a clergyman is twofold; public preaching and private influence" "every episode has its double and treble meaning"

  1. sing treble
  2. increase threefold;

    "Triple your income!"


  1. Your desk is treble(triple) as big as mine.你的书桌至少是我的三倍大。
  2. The chairman has already indicated his aim for the club this season and wants nothing less than the treble.主席有已经为俱乐部这季节和需要无指出他的目标少于那最高音部。
  3. There was a treble knock at the door.有人在门上敲了三下。
  1. He has treble his income during the last few years.在过去几年中他的收入已增加了两倍。
  2. Profits in our company have trebled in the last two years.我们公司的利润在这两年中增长成以前的三倍。
  1. The house is worth treble what they paid for it.这房子值他们所付价钱的三倍。
  2. He sings treble.他唱最高音部。