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2024-02-15 23:14:16
美[treblɪ]  英[treblɪ]
adv.  三倍;三重


  1. Feeling gave expression to her countenance and softness to her voice, rendering her who was always beautiful trebly seductive and winning. 爱情使得她的脸庞那么妩媚,使她的声音那么轻柔,使得这个原来就十分美丽的姑娘变得格外迷人和可爱了。
  2. For my part, I must do my best to save this fellows trebly worthless life; 我留在这里尽力拯救这毫无价值的生命。
  3. Feeling gave expression to her countenance and softness to her voice, rendering her who was always beautiful trebly seductive and winning 爱情使得她的脸庞那么妩媚,使她的声音那么轻柔,使得这个原来就十分美丽的姑娘变得格外迷人和可爱了。
  4. But it really is doubly and trebly hard to have crowds and multitudes of people turning up after him (I could have forgiven him), to take Ladybirds affections away from me. 可是成群结队的人来找他,要想把小鸟儿的感情从我这儿抢走,的确是令人双倍地难受,三倍地难受,尽管我可以原谅他。”
  5. Štrebl 施特雷布尔