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2024-02-15 23:48:16
美[ˌtreɪmoʊlɑːndoʊ]  英[ˌtreɪməʊlɑːndəʊ]
adj.  用震音演奏(或演唱)的(地)
adv.  用震音演奏(或演唱)的(地)


  1. The flutes sink into a dreamy melody, soon to be joined by the oboes and tremolando strings, the melody gyrating somnabulistically and evanescing pp after eight bars. 长笛沉浸在梦幻般悦耳的曲调中,双簧管和弦乐的震声演奏很快加入进来,曲调梦游般地旋转,在八小节之后减弱为最弱音。
  2. The soloist sinks into an ametric F-minor variation of the cadenza theme, floating on a cello and clarinet tremolando in a slowing andante, finally repeating the same G 15 soporific times. 独奏者沉浸在F小调华彩乐段主题的变奏中,大提琴和单簧管以缓慢的行板的震音伴奏着,最后,催眠般地将同一个G音重复了15遍。