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2024-02-16 00:48:16
美[traɪəl]  英[traɪəl]
n.  审讯;试验;试用;尝试;预赛或选拔赛;讨厌的事;惹麻烦的人
v.  测试


  1. 试验,尝试,试
  2. 考验,磨炼
  3. 审判,审问,审讯 ,审理
  4. 艰苦, 努力
  5. 预赛,选拔赛
  6. 棘手的事,令人伤脑筋的事
  7. 比赛,表演
  8. 讨厌的人,惹麻烦的人
  9. 试用
  1. 试验
  2. 试用
  3. 检测,检验
  4. 测试
  5. 参加比赛
  1. 审讯的,审判的,审理的
  2. 试验的,尝试的,试验性的,试探性的,尝试性的
  3. 试制的
  4. 试用的
  5. 考验的


  1. [U][C]审判,审理 (an act of) hearing and judging a person, case, or point of law in a court
  2. [C][U]测试,试验,考验 (act or process of) testing the ability, quality, performance, etc. of sb/sth
  3. [C]讨厌的人〔事物〕,忧虑〔麻烦〕的原因 an annoying thing or person; cause of worry or trouble


  1. the act of testing something;

    "in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately" "he called each flip of the coin a new trial"

  2. trying something to find out about it;

    "a sample for ten days free trial" "a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain"

  3. the act of undergoing testing;

    "he survived the great test of battle" "candidates must compete in a trial of skill"

  4. (law) the determination of a persons innocence or guilt by due process of law;

    "he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty" "most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial"

  5. (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications;

    "the trials for the semifinals began yesterday"

  6. an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event;

    "his mother-in-laws visits were a great trial for him" "life is full of tribulations" "a visitation of the plague"


  1. bring sb to〔up for〕 trial将某人送法院审理
  2. conduct trials with用…试验
  3. face a trial受审
  4. go on〔stand, undergo〕 trial for因…而受审
  1. bitter trial痛苦的考验
  2. criminal trial刑事审判
  3. fair〔unfair〕 trial公正〔不公正〕的审判
  4. open〔public〕 trial公审
  5. the first〔a new〕 trial初〔复〕审
  1. court trial法庭审判
  2. flight trial试飞
  3. jury trial陪审团的讯问
  4. the horse trials赛马选拔赛
  1. on trial在试用期,在试验中,在受审中
  2. under trial在审理中
  1. trial on对…的审理
  2. trial to令…讨厌


  1. He went through hell during the trial.审讯期间他吃尽了苦头。
  2. The flier is flying a new-type jet plane on trial.飞行员正在驾驶一架新式喷气机作试验飞行。
  3. She agreed to employ me for a trial period.她同意试用我一段时间。
  4. Trial and error is the source of our knowledge.尝试和失败同是学识之源。
  5. They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth trial.他们在第十五次尝试时获得了成功。
  6. His blindness is a great trial to him.眼睛瞎对他来说是非常麻烦的事。
  7. The child was a trial to his parents.那孩子真让他父母烦得够呛。