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2024-02-16 01:36:16
美[trɪbjuːt]  英[trɪbjuːt]
n.  贡品;称赞;敬意;礼物


  1. 贡物
  2. 礼物
  3. 贡金
  4. 敬意
  5. 贡品
  6. 颂辞
  7. 进贡
  8. 尊崇
  9. 称颂
  10. 贡献
  11. 明证
  12. 勒索的钱财
  13. 感谢辞
  14. 纳贡义务
  15. 勒索款
  16. 赠品
  17. 赞辞
  18. 【采】份子
  19. 表扬
  20. 赞扬


  1. [C][U]贡金,贡物 payment which one government or ruler extracts from another
  2. [C][U]称赞,颂词 sth done,said,or given to show respect or admiration for sb


  1. something given or done as an expression of esteem
  2. payment by one nation for protection by another
  3. payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence;

    "every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection"


  1. The victorious nations are demanding tribute from their former enemies.战胜国要求战败国向其进奉贡品。
  2. Many Greek cities had to send yearly tribute to Athens.许多希腊城市不得不每年向雅典进贡。
  3. The musician gave full tribute to his former teacher.这位音乐家盛赞了他过去的老师。
  4. He paid tribute to the way the country had forged national unity.他称赞这个国家加强民族团结的方式。
  5. I want to take this opportunity to pay a public tribute to him.我愿借此机会公开各他表示敬意。
  6. Their gifts were symbolic of tribute, worship and death.他们送的礼物,是黄金乳香和没药。
  7. Current and former White House colleagues paid tribute to Rove as the key strategist in helping Mr. Bush win the presidency twice.现任以及前任时期的白宫同事因为罗孚在布什的两次总统胜选中担任重要战略家赠送其礼物。