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2024-02-16 03:21:16
美[ˌtraɪdəmenʃənəl]  英[ˌtraɪdɪmenʃənəl]
adj.  三维的;关于三维的;立体的


  1. Notice:Paint hiding colour then,make it more tridimensional. 注意:顺便把暗部的颜色画上去,这样房子就显得立体。
  2. The microstructure and tridimensional appearance were studied by XRD, SEM and EDX. 利用XRD、SEM、EDX研究了复合材料的组织结构、VC颗粒的立体形貌;
  3. Therefore, good sculptures are always praised as "concretionary music" and "tridimensional paintings". 因此,一座好的城市雕塑往往被誉为“凝固的音乐”、“立体的画”。
  4. When tridimensional design and cutting were finished, Qing started to broider on the dresses. 完成立体设计与剪裁后,他在礼服上刺绣。
  5. Based on the reasons above mentioned, this paper set kinds of tridimensional unit as the study target t. 基于上述原因,本文选择我国集合式住宅中的立体户型作为研究的对象,加以分析利论证。
  6. Methods: The directional operation was performed at local anesthesia with tridimensional oriented finder of CT. 方法局麻下采用立体定向仪,由CT导向立体定向手术。