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2024-02-16 04:09:16
美[trɪgənəl]  英[trɪgənəl]
adj.  三角的;三角形的;断面呈三角的


  1. having threefold symmetry


  1. Trigonal tongue cover,generous sculpt,easy to open. 三角形舌盖,造型大方,方便开启。
  2. A trigonal bipyramid has three equatorial and two axial positions. 一个三角双锥体有三个赤道位和两个轴向位。
  3. Complex 5, 8 and 9 belong to non-centrosymmetric trigonal space group P3_121. 其中,配合物5、8和9都属于三方晶系,非中心对称的P3121空间群。
  4. The trigonal prism yields three isomers also, but there are only two octahedral arrangements for this formulation. 三棱柱也有三个异构体,而对于这个分子式,仅有两种八面体排布。
  5. The latter is closely related to the former being formed by a 60o rotation of one of the trigonal faces. 后者与前者密切相关,前者是由一个三角形平面旋转60o而成。
  6. A new calculating method has been proposed for the elongation and twist of trigonal prism. 建立了一种新的三棱柱配位结构伸缩变形和扭曲变形的计算方法。