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2024-02-16 04:17:17
美[traɪhiːdrəl]  英[traɪhiːdrəl]
adj.  有三面的


  1. Stress shielding effect of the trihedral fix trough plate,trapezoid compression plate and Tianjin compression plate on the long bone measured with the electrical measuring method. 用电测法测量了三种股骨中段骨折内固定钢板(三面固定槽形板、梯形板、天津板)固定后对骨的应力遮挡效应。
  2. Terrain effect of 1: 50000 gravity prospecting result in mountainous region is removed by respectively using slope-top trihedral prism model and rectangular prism model in near, mid and far areas. 分别用斜顶三棱柱体及方柱体模型分近、中、远区对某山区1:5万高精度重力勘探成果进行地形改正。用常规方法对地改后的布格重力异常进行处理效果不佳。
  3. Further,it blends the given convex trihedral angle by algebraic splines and then proves that the blending surfaces obtained by the method have the property of convex preservation. 以凸三面角为例,提出了利用代数样条磨光的方法并证明了利用这种磨光方法得到的磨光曲面具有保凸性。
  4. trihedral tool-maker rs straight edge 三棱直尺
  5. trihedral (tetrahedral) tool-makers straight edge 三棱直尺
  6. trihedral tetrahedral tool-maker rs straight edge 三棱直尺