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2024-02-16 04:34:17
美[traɪlemə]  英[traɪlemə]
n.  三难困难;三难选择的窘境;[逻]三难推理


  1. This food-water-energy “trilemma” will threaten physical security and disrupt economic and social stability, which is the very foundation of the Communist Party’s authority. 食物,水和能源的三重矛盾危及人民的人身安全,阻碍经济发展,破坏社会稳定,而这些因素都是中国共产党执政的基础。
  2. Orz Trilemma... 三难局面。
  3. This food-water-energy “trilemma” will threaten physical security and disrupt economic and social stability, which is the very foundation of the China Communist Party’s authority. 食物,水和能源的三重矛盾危及人民的人身安全,阻碍经济发展,破坏社会稳定,而这些因素都是中国共产党执政的基础。
  4. On the Trilemma of International Monetary system 浅析国际货币体系的内在矛盾性
  5. material in this chapter on the trilemma (liar, lunatic, or Lord). 的“三端论法 ”(骗子 、疯子 、或主 )。
  6. The Enlightenment of Theory of"Trilemma"to the Match of Chinas Policies "三元悖论"理论对我国政策搭配的启示