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2024-02-16 04:51:16
美[trɪm]  英[trɪm]
v.  修剪;削减;装饰;调整帆以适应风向
adj.  整洁的;匀称的
n.  修剪;整齐;装饰
  副词:trimly  比较级:trimmer  最高级:trimmest  名词:trimness  过去式:trimmed  过去分词:trimmed  现在分词:trimming  第三人称单数:trims


  1. 修剪,切除
  2. 使平稳
  3. 改变,修改,调整
  4. <口>痛打
  5. <口>欺骗
  6. <口>训斥
  7. 消减,削减,缩减
  8. 修正方向,获得平衡
  9. 持观望态度,取中间立场,两面讨好,随风转舵 ,骑墙
  10. 整理,整顿,修整
  11. 装饰,装点,布置
  12. 使整洁
  13. 平衡,保持平衡
  14. 调整帆篷
  15. 剪断,剪掉,剪(灯心)
  16. 刨平,刨去(木料的角)
  1. 整齐的,整洁的,端正的
  2. 苗条的,匀称的
  3. 装备齐全的
  4. 情况良好的
  5. 漂亮的
  6. 平坦的
  7. 精心照管的
  1. 修剪,休整
  2. 整齐
  3. 装饰,镶边饰,装潢
  4. 平衡
  5. 细木工
  6. 木饰条
  7. 情形,状况
  8. 调整
  9. 准备,预备
  10. 性格,性情,脾气
  11. <美俚>荡妇;(与女子的)性交
  1. 整齐地


  1. vt. 修剪; 修整 make neat, even, or tidy by cutting or removing unwanted parts
  2. vt. 削减 reduce, especially by removing what is unnecessary


  1. a state of arrangement or appearance;

    "in good trim"

  2. a decoration or adornment on a garment;

    "the trimming on a hat" "the trim on a shirt"

  3. attitude of an aircraft in flight when allowed to take its own orientation
  4. cutting down to the desired size or shape
  1. thin and fit;

    "the spare figure of a marathon runner" "a body kept trim by exercise"

  2. of places; characterized by order and neatness; free from disorder;

    "even the barn was shipshape" "a trim little sailboat"

  3. neat and smart in appearance;

    "a clean-cut and well-bred young man" "the trig corporal in his jaunty cap" "a trim beard"

  4. severely simple in line or design;

    "a neat tailored suit" "tailored curtains"

  1. remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size;

    "pare ones fingernails" "trim the photograph" "trim lumber"

  2. decorate, as with ornaments;

    "trim the christmas tree" "trim a shop window"

  3. cut down on; make a reduction in;

    "reduce your daily fat intake" "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"

  4. balance in flight by regulating the control surfaces;

    "trim an airplane"

  5. be in equilibrium during a flight;

    "The airplane trimmed"

  6. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods
  7. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of;

    "dress the plants in the garden"

  8. cut closely;

    "trim my beard"

  9. adjust (sails on a ship) so that the wind is optimally used


  1. trim beard修剪胡子
  2. trim hair修剪头发
  3. trim the hedge修剪树篱
  4. trim the travel budget削减旅行预算
  1. trim cautiously小心地修剪
  2. trim exquisitely细致地修剪
  3. trim fastidiously过分讲究地修剪
  4. trim judiciously慎重地修剪
  5. trim symbolically象征性地修剪
  6. trim tastefully有鉴赏力地修剪
  7. trim away剪断,剪掉
  8. trim away the edge of a photograph剪齐相片
  9. trim down branches剪下树枝
  10. trim off把…修剪掉
  11. trim dead leaves off剪掉枯叶
  12. trim off the edge of a photograph剪齐相片
  13. trim off the loose threads把露出的线头修剪掉
  14. trim up修整,把…打扮得整整齐齐
  1. trim between two parties在两个党派中间采取骑墙的态度
  2. trim from从…修剪去
  3. trim the fat from the budget从预算中削减大的部分
  4. trim bushes into good shape把树枝修剪整齐美观
  5. trim the branches off a tree把树上的枝修掉
  6. trim with用…装饰
  7. trim a dress with lace给衣服饰花边
  8. trim a jacket with fur在外套镶上毛皮


  1. Ill have my hair trimmed tomorrow.明天我要修剪头发。
  2. We have to trim our cost if we want to increase our profit.我们如果想增加利润,就必须削减开支。
  3. They trim their Christmas trees with strings of colored lights.他们用一串串的彩灯装饰圣诞树。
  4. The crew is in trim for the boat-race.船员们都准备就绪,等待比赛的开始。
  1. The new house has a trim appearance.那幢房子有整洁的外观。
  2. My daughter has a trim figure.我女儿身材匀称。
  1. Id just like a trim and dont make it too short.只需要修剪一下,不要修得太短。
  2. Everything in his tool chest was in good trim.他工具箱里的东西都排得很整齐。
  3. Install door waterdam and trim panel.安装车门挡水器和装饰板。
  4. I bought a dress with golden lace trim.我买了条有金色花边装饰的裙子。


    trim的基本意思是“修剪,修理”,指把某事物中无用的部分去掉,使之更加美观、整洁或适应需要。用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 trim引申可作“削减”解,尤指削减那些不必要的部分,可指为了精简而裁除人员,也可指削减某项开支。 trim是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。 trim的过去式和过去分词均为trimmed。