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2024-02-16 05:05:16
美[trɪmər]  英[trɪmə(r)]
n.  整修者;修剪工具;托梁;骑墙主义者


  1. 整理者
  2. 机会主义者
  3. 骑墙者
  4. 修剪工具
  5. 整顿者
  6. 修剪人
  7. 调整者
  8. 修理人
  9. 【机】修剪器
  10. 【空】调整器
  11. 配平器
  12. 【无】微调电容器
  13. 【建】托梁
  14. 修整器


  1. a worker who thins out and trims trees and shrubs;

    "untouched by the pruners axe"

  2. a machine that trims timber
  3. capacitor having variable capacitance; used for making fine adjustments
  4. joist that receives the end of a header in floor or roof framing in order to leave an opening for a staircase or chimney etc.


  1. Tell the gardener to trim up these flower beds. 让园丁把这些花圃修剪一下。
  2. The crew is in trim for the boat-race. 船员们都准备就绪,等待比赛的开始。
  3. An athlete must never get out of trim. 运动员必须总是处于最佳竞技状态。
  4. We had to trim a lot off our travel budget. 我们当时只好大量削减旅行预算。
  5. A plume formerly used to trim womens hats. 装饰羽毛用作装饰妇女女帽的羽毛
  6. The government is going to trim welfare programs. 政府将削减福利项目。