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2024-02-16 05:16:16
美[traɪnərɪ]  英[traɪnərɪ]
adj.  三的


  1. Avoid using the trinary conditional operator. 避免使用?:条件算符。
  2. A Statistical Trinary Clipped Model Based on Minimum Energy[J]. 引用该论文 常胜江;杨建文;申金媛;金成海;张延炘.
  3. Trinary divis ion is not a form of contradiction but one of relation. “一分为三”不是矛盾的形式,而是联系的形式。
  4. Implementation of trinary clipped model with optical single channel system[J]. 引用该论文 路明哲;战元龄;王许明;母国光.
  5. Trinary tree has been applied widely to modern management and information system. 摘要三叉树已广泛应用在现代管理信息系统中。
  6. Modified trinary number (MTN) has already taken a significant role towards carry and borrow free arithmetic operations. 修正型三进制在无需进位和借位的算术运算中有着特殊意义。