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2024-02-16 05:38:17
美[traɪoʊd]  英[traɪəʊd]
n.  三极真空管


  1. a thermionic vacuum tube having three electrodes; fluctuations of the charge on the grid control the flow from cathode to anode which makes amplification possible


  1. Diode , triode , IC integrated circuit. 瓷片电容;独石电容;
  2. The basic function of the triode is as an amplifier of current. 三级管的基本功能是放大电流。
  3. It is the equivalent circuit of a triode amplifier circuit. 它是三极管放大器的等效电路。
  4. Yet the transistor will do most of the thingsa triode tube will do. 然而晶体管能起三极管所能起的大部分作用。
  5. A The transistor will do most of the things a triode tube will do. 晶体管能起三极管。
  6. This paper presents the contactless control of flasher with triode. 提出了用三级管导通和截止实现闪光器的无触点控制。