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2024-02-16 05:41:16
美[traɪɔːl]  英[traɪɔːl]
n.  [化]三元醇(如甘油等)


  1. With the compounding of polyether glycol and triol, the foam sealant can get good allround properties. 聚醚二醇和聚醚三醇复配使用,可制得综合性能良好的单组分聚氨酯泡沫胶体系。
  2. They first react with water to produce the silane triol, releasing alcohol as a by-product. 它们首先可与水反应,产生硅三醇,释放出副产物乙醇。
  3. The role of polyoxyethylene triol,rosin polyester polyol and asphalt in the asphalt-polyurethane rigid foam was stressed. 重点介绍了聚氧乙烯三醇、松香芳烃聚酯多元醇在配方中的作用。
  4. Lotus leaf tea can significantly lower serum cholesterol levels and glycerol triol, a lipid regulating the health-care role. 荷叶茶还能明显降低血清中甘油三醇和胆固醇含量,具有调节血脂的保健作用。
  5. glycerol, propane - 1, 2, 3, - triol 甘油
  6. Effects of crocin on apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells induced by triol 西红花苷对氧化甾醇诱导血管内皮细胞凋亡的影响