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2024-02-16 05:50:16
美[trɪp]  英[trɪp]
n.  旅行;摔倒;差错;轻快的步伐
vt.  使跌倒;使失败;使犯错;起锚;竖帆
vi.  绊倒;旅行;轻快地走;失误;结巴
  过去式:tripped  过去分词:tripped  现在分词:tripping  第三人称单数:trips


  1. 旅行
  2. 失足,过失
  3. 航行
  4. 绊倒,摔倒
  5. 失误
  6. <俚>幻觉,迷幻感觉
  7. (迷幻的)经验
  8. 轻捷的步伐,轻快的步子
  9. 跳闸
  10. 短程行程
  11. 失脚
  12. 失言,说错
  13. 【机、电】解扣
  14. 迷幻麻醉品
  1. =transformation-induced plasticity 【冶】高强度及高延性
  1. 轻快地跳舞
  2. <书>轻快地走,轻快地跑
  3. <俚>服用毒品后处于幻觉之中,体验麻醉药所产生的幻觉效果
  4. 绊(倒),使失脚,勾脚摔倒,(使)跌倒
  5. (使)犯错误,做错,犯过失,失足,(使)失误,使失败
  6. 轻轻跳跃
  7. 找错,挑错, 抓住(某人)的谎言、过错等,揭露(常与up连用)
  8. 失言,讲错
  9. 说不出话,说话结结巴巴,支支吾吾
  10. 【海】卷起(锚)
  11. 旅行,远足
  12. 离开
  13. 擒纵机件转动
  14. 使受挫折
  15. 使停顿
  16. 竖直(帆桁),升顶桅
  17. 松开(机械的某一部分)


  1. [C]行走,行驶,旅行 (usually short) journey, especially for pleasure
  1. vi. 走; 跑 walk, or run with quick, light steps; caper; skip
  2. vi. & vt. 绊倒 catch ones foot (in or on sth) and lose ones balance
  3. vi. & vt. 出差错; 说错话 make a mistake; make a slip; confuse; throw off


  1. a journey for some purpose (usually including the return);

    "he took a trip to the shopping center"

  2. a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs;

    "an acid trip"

  3. an accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall;

    "he blamed his slip on the ice" "the jolt caused many slips and a few spills"

  4. an exciting or stimulating experience
  5. a catch mechanism that acts as a switch;

    "the pressure activates the tripper and releases the water"

  6. a light or nimble tread;

    "he heard the trip of womens feet overhead"

  7. an unintentional but embarrassing blunder;

    "he recited the whole poem without a single trip" "he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later" "confusion caused his unfortunate misstep"

  1. miss a step and fall or nearly fall;

    "She stumbled over the tree root"

  2. cause to stumble;

    "The questions on the test tripped him up"

  3. make a trip for pleasure
  4. put in motion or move to act;

    "trigger a reaction" "actuate the circuits"

  5. get high, stoned, or drugged;

    "He trips every weekend"


  1. arrange a trip安排旅行
  2. cancel a trip取消旅行
  3. enjoy a trip享旅行之乐
  4. finish a trip结束旅行
  5. have a trip作一次旅游
  6. make a trip去旅行
  7. organize a trip组织旅行
  8. plan a trip打算旅行
  9. shorten a trip缩短旅行
  10. stop a trip停止旅行
  11. take a trip去旅行
  1. boring trip令人厌烦的旅行
  2. cheap trip花钱少的旅行
  3. comfortable trip舒服的旅行
  4. delightful trip愉快的旅行
  5. expensive trip花钱多的旅行
  6. extended trip长途旅行
  7. foreign trip国外旅行
  8. hard trip艰苦的旅行
  9. interesting trip有趣的旅行
  10. long trip长途旅行
  11. pleasant trip愉快的旅行
  12. round trip周游
  13. round-the-world trip环球旅行
  14. short trip短途旅行
  15. successful trip成功的旅行
  16. three-month trip三个月的旅行
  17. weekend trip周末旅行
  1. business trip公务旅行
  2. field trip(学生、研究生)实地考察,现场实习
  3. return trip回程
  4. wedding trip结婚旅行
  1. on a trip在旅行
  1. trip against〔on,over〕 a rope被绳子绊倒
  2. trip off the tongue难以念出
  1. trip the alarm触响警铃
  2. trip the shutter按动快门
  3. trip the witnesses使证人说错话
  1. trip blithely快乐地跑
  2. trip dexterously灵巧地跑
  3. trip fantastically高兴地跑
  4. trip gaily欢快地跑
  5. trip lightly轻轻地跑
  6. trip noiselessly无声地跑
  7. trip rhythmically有节奏地跑
  8. trip strenuously艰苦地跑
  9. trip along向前走
  10. trip off轻快地跳开
  11. trip up绊倒,跌倒,抓住(某人)的差错


  1. They planned to make a wedding trip to Paris.他们计划到巴黎旅行度蜜月。
  2. He who carries three baskets must put one on his head, which is apt to tumble and trip him up.有三只篮子的人就得把一只篮子顶在头上,这样很容易摔倒。
  1. He tried to trip me up.他想把我绊倒。
  1. He tripped on a tree root.他被一株树根绊倒了。
  2. I hope to trip with my leisure time.我希望空闲时去旅游。
  3. She came tripping down the garden path.她轻快地沿花园小径跑过来。
  4. I have never known him to trip up even in details.即使在琐事上我都不曾看到他犯错。


    trip用作动词的基本意思是“走,跑”,含有脚步轻快的意味,是不及物动词,常与介词、副词连用。 trip还可指“没有看到障碍物而绊倒”,常与over连用。引申可作“失足”“失言”“出差错”解,可指某人诱使某人犯错误,也可指某人由于自身的原因而犯错误,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。