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2024-02-16 06:00:17
美[traɪfeɪz]  英[traɪfeɪz]
n.  三相
adj.  三相的


  1. ZK voltage regulator series, providing monophase, triphase silicon controlled triggered signals. 系列电压调整器提供单相、三相可控硅触发信号。
  2. In case of the discharge lamps some triphase symmetrical circuit and varied unsymmetrical circuit are studied. 本文分析了大量采用气体放电灯照明时,三相对称电路和多种典型的不对称电路。
  3. High power facility or triphase facility can be ordered together with transferring testing box. 大功率设备或三相设备可定制转换测试箱。
  4. The results show that the triphase catalysts exhibit excellent catalytic activity and reusability. 结果表明,这类催化剂具有良好的催化活性和重复使用性能。
  5. The research proved that the sealing technique of triphase foamy fluid is a new technology... 研究工作表明,三相泡沫封孔技术是一项具有广泛实用前景的新技术。
  6. The structure, principle, and using method of a triphase SPWM signal generator SM2001 are introduced. 介绍一种可自动产生三相正弦波脉宽调制波形的专用芯片的结构、原理及使用方法。