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2024-02-16 06:19:16
美[trɪpleks]  英[trɪpleks]
adj.  三重的;三层的;三部分的
n.  有三层的东西


  1. having three units or components or elements;

    "a ternary operation" "a treble row of red beads" "overcrowding made triple sessions necessary" "triple time has three beats per measure" "triplex windows"


  1. Install a ground cable on the triplex pump motor. 给三抽缸泵马达安装接地线。
  2. We live in a triplex house of a multilayer apartment. 我们住在多层公寓大楼的一个三室套间里。
  3. Imported triplex gear pumps, main pump is piston variable displacement pump with load feedback function. 进口三联泵,主泵为柱塞变量泵,具有负载反馈功能。
  4. Duplex, triplex, row housing, or townhouses. Two or more dwellings that are attached physically but are owned and/or occupied by different people. 双并屋、三并屋、并列房、城市屋灯,指两个以上实体相连,但属于不同屋主的住宅。
  5. Dynamic characteristic of flow of triplex pump based on angle of delay of pump valve. 基于泵阀滞后角的三缸泵流量动态特性
  6. There are two kinds of plunger pump available for model 2000 fracturing truck,i.e.,triplex pump and quintuple Pump. 供2000型压裂车选择的柱塞泵有三缸泵和五缸泵2种。