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2024-02-16 06:23:17
美[trɪplɪsətɪ]  英[trɪplɪsɪtɪ]
n.  三倍;三个一幅;三位一体;三重性


  1. (astrology) one of four groups of the zodiac where each group consists of three signs separated from each other by 120 degrees
  2. the property of being triple


  1. The rate of fat will be triplicity for the people using to eat fast and full than the people chew slowly and carefully. 5.;吃饭快且习惯吃到饱的人肥胖几率为细嚼慢咽者的三倍。
  2. So if the chart is cast for noon then Saturn acts as the triplicity ruler of all the air signs ;at midnight Mercury would be used instead. 如果是中 午,那么土星是风相星座的守护星,如果是在晚上那么水星是风相星座的守护星。
  3. This paper presents the content of the education system of the "triplicity", and gives the measures that we applied and the effects that we have achieved. 摘要本文介绍了“三位一体”教育模式的内容,描述了我们实施该模式所采取的措施及取得的成效。
  4. The purpose of this Triplicity is to melt and burn the trick of those monarches and confucious, thus urge our nation mark towards the brightness of truth and highest wisdom of mankind. 提出三位一体先圣的目的,即在永远彻底地销毁前述的历代帝王、大儒们的邪恶的诡计,从此促使中华民族,加速奔向人类一切真理的光明,奔向人类最高的大智慧。
  5. Constructing Triplicity Medical Supervision Model by Morality 构建三位一体式以德治医模式
  6. Triplicity Cultivation Technique in Solar Greenhouses in Spring-Summer Seasons 春夏季节日光温室三位一体栽培