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2024-02-16 06:39:16
美[trɪpɪŋ]  英[trɪpɪŋ]
adj.  绊倒的;轻快的
sp.  动词trip的现在分词.


  1. characterized by a buoyant rhythm;

    "an easy lilting stride" "the flute broke into a light lilting air" "a swinging pace" "a graceful swingy walk" "a tripping singing measure"

  2. moving easily and quickly; nimble;

    "the dancer was light and graceful" "a lightsome buoyant step" "walked with a light tripping step"


  1. Will 10 suffice for the trip?这趟行程10英镑够用吗?
  2. A wheel with a circle of pins at right angles to its face, used as a tripping device.针轮,销轮一种轮子,其表面插着一圈针,用来做陷阱设备
  3. If you leave your shoes lying around like that, youll trip over them.如果你把鞋子乱扔乱放,你会被绊倒的。
  4. She came tripping down the garden path.她轻快地沿花园小径跑过来。
  5. If you dont lace up your shoes, youll trip over.如果你不系好鞋带,你会被绊倒的。