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2024-02-16 07:04:16
美[trɪzməs]  英[trɪzməs]
n.  牙关紧闭症


  1. prolonged spasm of the jaw muscles


  1. Trismus bite him, gently shaking legs. 他紧咬牙关,两腿轻轻地抖。
  2. Open trismus, to smile, the base of the tongue loose, chin out. 开牙关,要微笑,舌根松,下巴掉。
  3. The masseter muscle is one of the most sensitive muscles, and trismus is one of the earliest symptoms. 咬肌是最敏感的肌肉之一,张口困难是最常见的早期症状之一。
  4. We present a case of pan-oral submucous fibrosis with severe trismus, 1 7.5 mm in maximal mouth opening (MMO). 本院提供一全口黏膜下纤维化并严重张口困难之病酬报告(张口度仅为十七点五毫米)。
  5. But again I ask, Li Weifeng has claimed that its determination not to bite trismus retired. 但是再一问时,李玮峰又紧咬牙关声称坚决不退役。
  6. The most common sign described has been swelling, include associated pain, rapid growth, trismus and dysphonia. 其主要的徵状为颚骨及颜面的肿胀伴随疼痛并有生长快速、牙关紧闭甚至焦虑不安等情形。