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2024-02-16 07:08:17
美[traɪsoʊmɪk]  英[traɪsəʊmɪk]
adj.  (染色体)二倍加一的;一套半染色体的;三染色体的


  1. The number of chromosome of 732 microspore plant lines were identified,the result showed that 109 lines were trisomic lines. 四倍体小孢子培养获得植株为大白菜三体系的创建找到了一条有效的途径。
  2. The trisomic, colon cancer mice had 44% fewer intestinal tumors than the colon cancer mice that did not have the extra 108 genes. 结果携带三体及结肠癌基因的小鼠发生肠道肿瘤的机率比那些没有携带额外的108个基因而仅携带有结肠癌基因的小鼠少44%25。
  3. These trisomic mice where crossed with mice that carry a mutation that causes intestinal tumors, like those seen in human colon cancers. 然后将这些三体小鼠与携带能引起肠道肿瘤的变异基因(与人类结肠癌基因类似)的小鼠进行杂交。
  4. Chromosome 12 of pollen mother cell of japonica trisomic rice (Oryza sativa L.) was successfully isolated using microglassneedles under the micromanipulator in this study. 首次以粳稻第12号三体为材料,采用玻璃针染色体微分离法,成功地分离到了水稻第12号染色体。
  5. The clinical features of trisomic fetuses during gestation - an analysis for 20 cases of prenatal diagnosis 染色体三体胎儿妊娠期临床表现-20例产前诊断分析
  6. QTL Mapping of Popping Characteristics in Popcorn Using the Model of Trisomic Inheritance in the Endosperm 利用三倍体胚乳遗传模型定位爆裂玉米膨爆特性QTL