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2024-02-16 07:16:17
美[trɪsteɪzə]  英[trɪsteɪzə]
n.  [植] 柑橘腐根病


  1. Na vida existe sempre a razao...E mesmo a tristeza tem valor.. 最近一直在听说好的幸福呢,突然觉得很难过,也许是听着歌想起了一些事情。。唔
  2. In this study, PAS-ELISA and three different RT-PCR methods were used to detect Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in citrus tissues. 本研究采用PAS-ELISA法和3种RT-PCR方法对柑橘衰退病毒(CTV)进行了检测。
  3. Pothogens easily mix infect with it are Citrus tristeza virus(CTV), Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) and Citrus tatter leaf virus (CTLV). 病原分别为Citrus tristeza virus(CTV),Citrus exocortis viroid(CEVd),Citrus tatter leafvirus(CTLV)。
  4. Silver Naval Badge: A rare naval gushicibadge made of silver and steel, lost in the boggy marshlands of Isle Tristeza years ago.A shame, really. 中文意思: 一枚很稀有的由银和铁做成的海军徽章;在那Isle Tristeza岛可怕的丛林中丢失了.
  5. There are citrus Huanglongbing,Tristeza,Exocortis and Tatter-leaf of the graft-trans-missible diseases occurred in the citrus-producing areas in Fujian. 已知在福建省柑桔产区发生的由嫁接传染的病害有黄龙病、衰退病、裂皮病和碎叶病。
  6. Citrus tristeza disease caused by Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is one of the most destructive and economically important diseases of commercial citrus worldwide. 由柑橘速衰病毒(Citrus tristeza virus,CTV)引发的柑桔速衰病是全世界柑桔生产中破坏力最强、经济意义最为重要的病害之一。