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2024-02-16 07:47:16
美[ˌtrɪtʃəreɪʃən]  英[ˌtrɪtjʊreɪʃən]
n.  研磨;研碎的粉末


  1. Preparing the inclusion complex by trituration,solution method,Acid-alkali method and so on. 试验研磨法、溶液法、酸碱法等多种制备包合物的方法;
  2. Trituration process would be taken of the material when chemical analysis is underway. 这种材料在进行化学分析时将被磨成粉。
  3. Trituration and solution methods are both available for supramolecule preparation, but later method is better. 研磨法和溶液法均能制备胰岛素/环糊精的超分子,但是溶液法的效果要优于研磨法。
  4. Objective To explore the trituration and clinical application of compound suppository of lomefloxacin. 目的探讨洛美沙星栓研制方法和临床疗效。
  5. METHODS: Adjust the previous dosage of menthol and ethanol and the preparation method was shifted to wet-sifting from trituration. 方法改变原处方中薄荷脑、乙醇用量,配制方法由研磨法改为湿筛法。
  6. The optimum method of distilling Se-containing proteins is dunking, trituration, filtration, centrifugalism, acetone precipitation and drying. 最终确定豆科植物蛋白的提取方法为:浸泡、研磨、过滤制浆、离心、丙酮沉淀、蛋白烘干。