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2024-02-16 08:17:17
美  英
n.  试验要求手册


  1. the coordinated universal time when a transmission is sent from Earth to a spacecraft or other celestial body


  1. Guest: Beautfully done. Please trm my eyebros and daren them. 客人:做得好极了。请把眉毛修一下,再画深一点。
  2. TRM is a set of genes that is regulated by a common set of TFs. 所谓的转录调控模组指的是由共同的转录因子们所调控的基因群。
  3. TRM is my office assistant In August, I met TRM the first time . TRM 是我的办公室助手 在八月,我遇见了 TRM 第一次。
  4. I heard of TRM, It is an easy way to learn computer type. 我听说 TRM,它是学习计算机类型的一个容易的方法。
  5. A method to TRM calculation based on probabilistic model is presented. 讨论了TRM和CBM两种裕度的含义,给出计算TRM的随机模型。
  6. TRM was 5.3% and 19.1% , respectively, in auto HSCT and allo HSCT( P自体与异体移植相关并发症致死率 5 .;3%25和 19