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2024-02-16 08:24:17
美[troʊkɪ]  英[trəʊʃ]
n.  药片


  1. a medicated lozenge used to soothe the throat


  1. A small medicated or flavored tablet;a troche. 片剂一小块药片或调味片;锭剂
  2. A small medicated or flavored tablet; a troche. 片剂一小块药片或调味片;锭剂
  3. The antioxidative effects of the troche were studied. 研究该片剂的抗氧化作用。
  4. The liquor ice troche is the Chinese herbal medicine which can alleviate cough and asthma. 甘草片剂是广泛使用的一种中草药,它具有镇咳、平喘的作用。
  5. Objective To select the optimum condition of extraction processes of alcohol-extraction part of Futongan Troche. 目的优选成药妇痛安片醇提部分的最佳工艺。
  6. Objective To observe the effect of compound danshen troche on brain circulation in anesthetized dogs. 目的观察复方丹参片对麻醉犬脑循环的影响。