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2024-02-16 08:30:16
美[trɒklɪə]  英[trɒklɪə]
adj.  软骨轮的;滑车的;轮状的


  1. either of the two cranial nerves on either side that control the superior oblique muscles of the eyes


  1. Of or relating to the trochlear nerve. 滑车神经的属于或关于滑车神经的
  2. No instances of patellar or trochlear loosening were identified. 没有确定的髌骨或滑车松动的实例。
  3. Trochlear go up is lymph node enlargement common at what disease? 滑车上淋巴结肿大常见于什么病?
  4. Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI. The oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves control eye movements. 颅神经3,4和6,以及动眼神经,滑车神经,外展神经控制着眼球运动。
  5. The high density nuclei are inferior collicular nucleus, oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus and red nucleus. 血管密度较高的核团有下丘核、动眼神经核、滑车神经核和红核;
  6. The Richards I and II implants (Smith &Nephew) have a deep, constraining trochlear groove. Richards I和II植入物(Smith&Nephew)有一条很深的限制性的滑车凹槽。