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2024-02-16 08:31:17
美[troʊkɔɪd]  英[trəʊkɔɪd]
n.  余摆线;轨迹线
adj.  车轮状的


  1. The new type of rotary compressor has two key parts, an outer rotor and an inner one which employs isometric curve of trochoid as its profile. 从理论上分析了一种新型内、外转子结构回转式压缩机,其内转子型线由短幅外摆线的内等距线构成。
  2. With the successive feed of the three axes X, Y, C, using numeral control interpolation is able to realize the sawing of the curve trochoid. 通过X、Y、C三轴联动,利用数控插补技术便可实现曲线轨迹的锯切。
  3. By using the equivalent model,contact force of ideal trochoid transmission was calculated,and the calculation result agree relatively well with a theoretical one. 利用质量弹簧等价模型方法计算了理想结构下摆线针轮传动的齿面载荷分布。
  4. Apparent motion of planets and exterior trochoid 行星的视运动与圆外旋轮线
  5. The Comparison of Hinged Five - linkage Trochoid 铰接五连杆机构连杆曲线比较
  6. Keywords lapping path;trochoid;even lapping; 研抛轨迹;次摆线;均匀研抛;