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2024-02-16 08:47:17
美[troʊəˌlaɪt]  英[trəʊɪlaɪt]
n.  [矿]陨硫铁;硫铁矿


  1. The institute has provided 280 million tons of phosphorite resources, 41.13 million tons of troilite reserve, 0.5million tonsof barite reserve. 为国家探明磷矿计量2.;8亿吨、硫铁矿石储量4113万吨、重晶石储量50万吨。
  2. The isotopic compositions of lead were determined on the samples of whole rock, chondrule, olivine, pyroxene and troilite from Bo County chondrite (class LL4) of Anhui prov. , China. 本文报道了安徽亳县LL4型球粒陨石的全岩、球粒、橄榄石、辉石和陨硫铁的铅同位素比值;以及上述部分样品的铀、钍、铅的含量.