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2024-02-16 08:55:17
美[trɒlɪ]  英[trɒlɪ]
n.  手推车
vt.  用手推车载运


  1. The trolly was hooked on to the engine. 查道车挂在机车上。
  2. The trolly was hooked on the engine. 查道车挂在机车上。
  3. As double-decker buses, trolly buses, underground trains and so on. 如双层公共汽车、无轨电车和地铁等。
  4. Pathology and MR imaging of 18 models of intracerebral hematoma (ICH) were studied con trolly. 采用了18个脑血肿模型进行了病理和MR成象的对照性研究。
  5. A container crane of STS-type, Ship To Shore, consists of a spreader hanging underneath a railrunning trolly. 在货柜运输领域中,货柜装船作业为重要的一环。
  6. Flos Trolli is a kind of valuable phy-togeniantimicrobial agent with wide antimicrobial spectrum. 金莲花是很有价值的植物抗菌药,对金莲花属植物进行药物开发前景广阔。