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2024-02-16 09:01:16
美[trɑːmp]  英[trɒmp]
v.  践踏;跺脚
  过去式:tromped  过去分词:tromped  现在分词:tromping  第三人称单数:tromps


  1. Pardon, je me suis tromp de num ro. 对不起,我把号码搞错了。
  2. "Poor little dog," the tromp said sadly."Im terribly sorry. “可怜的小狗,”流浪者难过地说。
  3. It was a long, chilly tromp through the swirling night . 在冰天雪地的夜晚,走这么长一段路可不容易。
  4. "Poor little dog," the first tromp said and put the money into his pocket. “可怜的小狗,”第一个流浪者说,并把钱放进了口袋。
  5. Donald Tromp, for example, while possessed of great wealth, has remarkably little class, while Katherine Hepburn has class down to her toes. 比如,唐纳德·特兰普尽管是个巨富,却没什么等级,而凯瑟琳·赫本(美国女演员)的等级低到同她的脚趾一般高。
  6. Donald Tromp,for example,while possessed of great wealth,has remarkably little class,while Katherine Hepburn has class down to her toes. 比如,唐纳德·特兰普尽管是个巨富,却没什么等级,而凯瑟琳·赫本(美国女演员)的等级低到同她的脚趾一般高。