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2024-02-16 09:42:16
美[trɒpəˌpɔːz]  英[trɒpəpɔːz]
n.  对流顶层


  1. the region of discontinuity between the troposphere and the stratosphere


  1. Control of the Tropical Tropopause and Vertical Transport across It. 热带对流层顶控制及跨越它的垂直传输。
  2. Convective Impact on Temperatures Observed near the Tropical Tropopause. 对流对热带对流层顶附近观测到的温度的作用。
  3. The balance must be made up by heat transport through the tropopause. 必须通过对流层顶的热输送来建立平衡。
  4. Next comes the tropopause, which is the upper boundary of the troposphere. 其上是对流层顶,它是对流层的上部边界。
  5. As soon as the tropopause is reached, temperature stops decreasing with height. 一达到对流层,温度就停止随高度上升。
  6. A Diagnostic Study of Jet Streaks: Kinematic Signatures and Relationship to Coherent Tropopause Disturbances. 急流爆发的诊断研究:动能特征及其雨对流层顶连续扰动的关系。