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2024-02-16 09:54:17
美[trɑːtskiɪst]  英[trɒtskiɪst]
n.  托洛斯基分子
adj.  托洛斯基分子的


  1. radicals who support Trotskys theory that socialism must be established throughout the world by continuing revolution


  1. What about the Trotskyism of Chang Ti-fei? 张涤非的托洛茨基主义又怎么样呢?
  2. A Trotskyist political organization in Great Britain set up in 1964 inside the Labour Party. 英国一个托派分子的政治组织,建立于1964年的工党内部。
  3. Two old "Chinese Trotskyist" said that Wang Duqing has indeed joined the Trotsky in his later period. 王独清后期确实加入托派,两位“中国托派老人”提出确证;
  4. Also, he actively participated in various political activities and even became a Trotskyist for a time. 此外,他积极参与各种政治活动,甚至一度成为托洛斯基派。
  5. Chen Duxius case as a Trotskyist was a serious and complicated issue in his political history. 摘要在陈独秀的政治历史上,“托派”问题是一个十分严重但又十分复杂的问题。
  6. Why does he criticize Trotskyism in 1928, long after Trotsky had been pushed out of the leadership? 为何他在1928年在托洛斯基被排除在领导阶层之外后仍批判托洛斯基主义?