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2024-02-16 09:55:16
美[trɒtskiaɪt]  英[trɒtskiaɪt]
n.  托洛斯基分子
adj.  托洛斯基分子的


  1. radicals who support Trotskys theory that socialism must be established throughout the world by continuing revolution


  1. What about the Trotskyism of Chang Ti-fei? 张涤非的托洛茨基主义又怎么样呢?
  2. One campaign adviser, Sophie Bouchet-Petersen, was once a Trotskyite activist. 她的一位竞选委员会顾问SophieBouchet-Petersen,曾经是一位托派极端分子。
  3. Socialism is Chen Duxiu decay is Trotskyite previously arrowy annals not the pursuit of change. 社会主义是陈独秀蜕变为托派以前矢志不渝的追求。
  4. Because,do not have old Communist Party be givinged by discharge, become Trotskyite and change somewhat. 鲁迅始终认为陈独秀是新文化运动的主将 ,是革命的前驱者 ,并敬仰他的人格。鲁迅的陈独秀观并没有因为陈被开除出共产党、成为托派而有所改变。
  5. On political history of Chen Duxiu, "Trotskyite " problem is very serious but very complex issue. 在陈独秀的政治历史上,"托派"问题是一个十分严重但又十分复杂的问题。
  6. We are exponents of the theory of the transition of the revolution, and not of the Trotskyite theory of "permanent revolution. 我们是革命转变论者,不是托洛茨基主义的“不断革命”论者。