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2024-02-16 10:08:17
美[trʌbləs]  英[trʌbləs]
adj.  纷乱的;骚乱的;动乱不安的


  1. full of trouble;

    "these are troublous times"


  1. The ah, China, really is a troublous times this year. 哎;中国;今年实在是多事之秋.
  2. In troublous times people grow intoxicated there more on words than on wine. 在某些会里,从来不超过八个或十个人,并且老是原来那几个。
  3. "Help lord, troublous times, still caution is wonderful."Flank 1 strive for a private to very carefully say. “帮主,多事之秋,还是小心为妙。”旁边一个谋士小心翼翼的说道。
  4. The bringing together of troublous times and the return of the Jews to the Land removes any doubt. 动荡不安的时代以及犹太人返回到被应许的地消除了人们所有的疑虑。
  5. No one in the valley ever heard the fate of the expedition, for they lay out of the way of gossip in those troublous times; but Will saw one thing plainly, that not a man returned. Whither had they all gone? 山谷里没有人知道这队远征者的命运后来究竟如何,因为这里听不到战乱时的各种谣传,但是有一点威尔看得很清楚:没有一个人回来。
  6. the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times. 你当知道,当明白,从出令重新建造耶路撒冷,直到有受膏君的时候,必有七个七和六十二个七。