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2024-02-16 10:09:16
美[trɔːf]  英[trɒf]
n.  水槽;马槽;低谷;低潮


  1. a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)
  2. a channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater
  3. a concave shape with an open top
  4. a treasury for government funds
  5. a long narrow shallow receptacle
  6. a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed


  1. So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough.她迅速地把水罐里的水统统倒进水槽。
  2. This type of barrier is a combination of the pumping trough and the hydraulic ridge.这类屏障是把抽水槽和水力分水岭结合在一起。
  3. However, as a mother of two, she was soon out of the trough.但是,作为两个孩子的母亲,她很快就走出了低谷。
  4. But economists do not necessarily expect the trough in production to be long.但是,经济学家并不一定认为生产低潮会持续很长时间。