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2024-02-16 10:26:17
美[troʊvə]  英[trəʊvə]
n.  追索侵占物诉讼;取得


  1. 【律】追索侵占物诉讼
  2. 取得
  3. 【律】损失赔偿诉讼
  4. 特罗弗 (音译名)


  1. Je pense que mes tu ;des en France me permettront de trover un bon emploi mon retour en Chine. 我希望在法国学习后;使我回国后有好的工作岗位.
  2. Bonafides trover is an important rule in property rights, aiming at maintaining the trade security. 善意取得制度是物权法中的一项重要制度,旨在维护交易安全。
  3. In China, the rules about bonafides trover can be found in scattered legal explanations, which cannot meet the need of the economic development. 中国关于善意取得制度的立法只散见于司法解释,已经明显不适应经济发展的需要。
  4. PLEASE NOTE,BID WITHOUT PAY WILL BE GIVEN NAGETIVE FEEDBACK and will be trover to the END or pay back the item charged from Ebay for 5$!!!!! 请尊重卖家的劳动,也同时请您对您的拍卖负责,假如不喜欢就请不要拍,拍下不买将投以差评并且追究到底,或者退还20元的登陆费!!
  5. action in trover 请求追索非法占用的诉讼