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2024-02-16 10:46:17
美[trʌkloʊd]  英[trʌkləʊd]
n.  一货车的容量


  1. The thieves hijacked a truckload of tires. 强盗们抢劫了一卡车轮胎。
  2. "I know someone with wood by the truckload. “我知道有个人有成卡车的木头。”
  3. The Cole case is worth a truckload of money to this firm. 这件案子能让事务所赚一大笔钱。
  4. Who dropped a whole truckload of fizzies into the swim meet? 谁在游泳池了倒了一车冒泡的东西?
  5. Donations of medicines have been arriving by the truckload since last week. 从上周起,捐赠的药品就开始一车一车地送过来。
  6. A crate presented an acceptable risk, but a truckload was a rotten risk. 一框代表着一个可以接受的风险,但一卡车就是一个致命的风险。