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2024-02-16 10:54:16
美[truː]  英[truː]
adj.  真实的;真的;准确的;精确的;忠诚的
adv.  真实地;准确地
n.  真相;精确
vt.  使...平衡
  比较级:truer  最高级:truest  名词:trueness  过去式:trued  过去分词:trued  现在分词:truing/trueing  第三人称单数:trues


  1. 真实的,符合事实的 in accordance with fact or reality
  2. [A]实际的 actual, as opposed to what is thought or claimed
  3. 真正的,真货的,纯正的 real; not false
  4. 忠实的,忠诚的 faithful; loyal
  5. 逼真的,一模一样的 in accordance with an original or standard; proper, correct, or exact
  6. [A]典型的 having all the particular qualities typical of its class
  7. [P]正确的,准确的 correctly fitted, placed, or formed


  1. proper alignment; the property possessed by something that is in correct or proper alignment;

    "out of true"

  1. consistent with fact or reality; not false;

    "the story is true" "it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true" "the true meaning of the statement"

  2. accurately placed or thrown;

    "his aim was true" "he was dead on target"

  3. devoted (sometimes fanatically) to a cause or concept or truth;

    "true believers bonded together against all who disagreed with them"

  4. expressing or given to expressing the truth;

    "a true statement" "gave truthful testimony" "a truthful person"

  5. conforming to definitive criteria;

    "the horseshoe crab is not a true crab" "Pythagoras was the first true mathematician"

  6. worthy of being depended on;

    "a dependable worker" "an honest working stiff" "a reliable sourcSFLe of information" "he was true to his word" "I would be true for there are those who trust me"

  7. not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed;

    "genuine emotion" "her interest in people was unfeigned" "true grief"

  8. rightly so called;

    "true courage" "a spirit which true men have always admired" "a true friend"

  9. determined with reference to the earths axis rather than the magnetic poles;

    "true north is geographic north"

  10. having a legally established claim;

    "the legitimate heir" "the true and lawful king"

  11. in tune; accurate in pitch;

    "a true note"

  12. accurately fitted; level;

    "the window frame isnt quite true"

  1. as acknowledged;

    "true, she is the smartest in her class"

  1. make level, square, balanced, or concentric;

    "true up the cylinder of an engine"


  1. true analysis正确的分析
  2. true antique真文物
  3. true colours本来面目
  4. true feeling真实感情
  5. true friend忠实的朋友
  6. true friendship真正的友谊
  7. true gentleman真君子
  8. true judgement正确的判断
  9. true love真正的爱情
  10. true mammal真正的哺乳动物
  11. true motive真实动机
  12. true report真实的报道
  13. true reptile真正的爬行动物
  14. true seriousness实际的严重性
  15. true story真实的故事
  16. true wealth真正的财富
  1. historically true具有历史真实性的
  2. obviously true显然是事实
  3. perfectly true完全正确
  4. possibly true可能真实
  5. quite true相当真实
  6. undoubtedly true千真万确
  7. unquestionably true千真万确
  1. come true成真,实现
  1. true in word遵守诺言
  2. true to life逼真
  3. true to nature逼真


  1. She gave the true account of what had happened.她如实地讲述了发生的事情。
  2. On what grounds do you say that is true?你根据什么说那是真的?
  3. We both thought that he had given a true judgement.我们都认为他给出了正确的判断。
  4. He was true to his word.他信守诺言。
  1. She spoke truer than she knew.她说的比她了解的更接近事实。
  2. The arrow flew straight and true to its mark.那箭不偏不斜地直朝目标飞去。
  1. Two of the pictures hanging on the wall are out of true.挂在墙上的照片中有两张挂得不正。
  1. It is not easy to true up a frame.做个标准的框架也不容易。


    true的基本意思是“真实的,符合事实的”,指某事与事实相吻合,强调事物的客观真实性,也可指“实际的”,即事物客观真实的一面。true还可指“真正的,真货的,纯正的”“忠实的,忠诚的”“典型的”“正确的,准确的”等。 true在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。用作定语时,后可接抽象名词,也可接具体名词; 用作表语时,其后可接介词短语,也可接动词不定式或that从句。 true后常接介词to,表示“对…忠实”; 接of,表示“符合于…,对…实用”。


  1. 我希望我的梦想会变成现实。

    I hope my dream will become true.

    I hope my dream will come true.

    表示“成为现实”时,要用come true,其中的come不可用become来代替。


    She tried to unearth the true facts.

    She tried to unearth the facts.



    It is true for him to be angry with her.

    It is true that he is angry with her.

    true可以用于It is/was true that...句型,但不可以用于It is/was true for sb to...的句型。


    He was true of his promise.

    He was true to his promise.

    表示“忠实”“信守”时,要用be true to,这里to是介词,后接名词,不可用of代替。