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2024-02-16 11:16:16
美[trʌŋkl]  英[trʌŋkl]
adj.  树干的;躯干的


  1. Truncal end is straight, bark is smooth, first gray, turn after deep. 树干端直,树皮光滑,初灰色,后转深。
  2. Everybody is touching truncal lash mark, mixed feelings of grief and joy, shed excited tear. 大家摸着树干鞭痕,悲喜交集,流下了激动的眼泪。
  3. And the eruption order of 3 disease is similar also, all be facial, truncal, limb ordinal eruption. 而且三病的出疹顺序也相似,均为面部、躯干、四肢依次出疹。
  4. Operation: Differentiate card takes acupuncture point, acupuncture point of the head and limb, truncal Shu cooperates to use. 操作:辨证取穴,头部与四肢、躯干腧穴配合使用。
  5. To axillary and mechanical sexual excitement, also can cause truncal and extensive Sao urticant feeling and glad pleasure. 对腋窝机械性刺激,也可以引起躯干广泛的瘙痒感和欣快感。
  6. The truncal bones of 3 Moschus berezovskii were studied with general dissection method and compared with the truncal bones of cattle and sheep. 摘要运用大体解剖学方法,对3头林麝的躯干骨进行了研究,并与牛羊躯干骨作了比较。