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2024-02-16 11:41:16
美[trʌstɪŋli]  英[trʌstɪŋli]
adv.  相信地(信任的)


  1. with trust; in a trusting manner;

    "she looked at her father trustingly"


  1. In many village back door is still leave trustingly open. 在许多村子里,後门仍然放心地大开著。
  2. In many villages back doors are still left trustingly open. 在许多村子里,後门仍然放心地大开著。
  3. In many villages back door is still left trustingly open. 在许多村子里,后门仍然放心地大开着。
  4. Patience means to wait trustingly for help from the Lord. 忍耐的意义就是满心信靠地等候从主来的帮助。
  5. It rouses, in anyone who hears it, the longing to be able likewise to pray so trustingly, so earnestly. 每个听到这段祈祷的人,都会在心底激起一种渴望,渴望像耶稣一样完全信赖、完全投入地祈祷。
  6. Thus, Jesus is indicating to Nicodemus that He will be hung on the Cross, so that anyone who trustingly looks up to the Cross will find healing. 换句话说,耶稣在向尼苛德摩暗示,祂将被高悬在十字架上,凡真心仰望十字架的人,都会获得治愈。